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What is Google's E.A.T. Methodology (and Praqtical's approach to SEO using the EAT method)?

Bill Binnig

Updated: Sep 19, 2024

Google recently released how they view the value of a website. They refer to it as the "E.A.T. Methodology". Praqtical Marketing Works implement's SEO using Google's EAT method. You can find a link to their announcement here: "What site owners should know about Google's August 2019 core update".

Google EAT Methodology - plate and utensils


Does your site show that you are an expert in your field. Whether you offer consumer products or business-to-business services, your website needs to convey to your users that you know what you are talking about. Here are some questions to consider:

  • Do I explain my services in enough detail to educate my customer?

  • Do I answer potential questions from clients in my content?

  • Do I regularly update my content or create blogs?


Google's algorithm was inventive as it looked at which websites linked to other websites. By doing this Google lets the internet community vote for websites. Similar to a popularity contest:

  • Links should be from other authoritative sites

  • Linking website should be contextual similar to your target keywords

  • Content should be High Quality, Informative and Useful


Is your site trustworthy. If Google can trust that you are a reliable and safe site, then they will want to share your site with their users.

  • Is my site secure and free of Viruses?

  • Is my website software up to date?

  • Is my website information consistent across multiple websites?

Now that you know what Google is looking for, Praqtical Marketing Works can help. There are other technical aspects to make sure Google can index your site and do it quickly, we do all that as well.

Praqtical's approach to SEO using the EAT method


To show that you are an expert, we first want to make sure your content puts your best foot forward. In addition to your landing page content, we will create 1-4 blog posts for you every month. These range between 600 words and 1200 words of high quality content. We will put together a Content Calendar that will out line the topics we want to write about


Authority is given to you by other websites. They give your website a vote by linking to your website. Not every link is created equal. We want to focus on high domain authority, quality, relevant links. A link isn't just a link. Avoid PBNs (private blog networks), blog comment spamming and non-contextual linking. We create quality content and do outreach to real websites with value. The content topics are also outlined in the Content Calendar we create at the beginning of your campaign.


We will run a site audit looking for issues with the website. We look at things like, secure certification, broken links and thin content. We will also start building or fixing business directory listings to that Google sees your information is consistent.

Start with an Online Performance Review

A FREE Online Performance Review (or audit) from Praqtical Marketing Works will give you a clear picture of your current online presence and how Google and other search engines view your site. Get Praqtical's solution for SEO using the EAT method, contact us today.

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